Monday, September 19, 2005


When i drive i am forced to close my car windows else the beggars at the red light wont let you talk and would almost intrude inside your car. Long time back saw the traffic commissioner of police saying that we all public is responsible for the beggar menace. We give money that is the reason they are there. Sadly he was right, people give a few rupees to the beggars and feel great about it. Feel like they have done a great deal.

Today morning a small child 6-8 yr old started to beg at my car window. Generally i ignore, but today i just rolled down and asked,,"Where is ur dad?" "Why don't u go to school? Do u plan to beg all ur life at this red light?" He did not have answer to any of it, i don't think he understood, or the questions mattered to him.

Two things should be done to reduce this menace-
  1. people giving money to beggars should be fined 500 Rs and that money should be given to a reputable NGO.
  2. The parents who make there children beg at road junctions should be jailed and children should be sent to school, through juvenile homes.

Children are the future of India, and it is being ruined. These children today will become the criminals and thief of tomorrow.


sinusoidally said...

Were you really expecting that 6-8 year old to have answers to the questions you asked him let alone even understand what his life is all about? I have lived in Delhi for most part of my life. Being judgemental and confrontational with those little ruined for life children is certainly not one of my ways to blam the "menace". Dude give me a break..!

Ankur said...

@sinusoidally--I truelly agree that talking to those beggars kid is of no use,,and i myself dont have an answer as to why i did it.

Regarding blame part--well thats not my approach to things..

Break---well feel free to have a break anytime anyway u want..democracy it is :-)