Monday, December 26, 2005
Demolitions in Delhi
An extra floor means extra people,,,so more parking place,,more water and electricity usage for that area,,all this makes the facilities in the area crumble...
I think when u bribe to do something illegal knowingly,,then the law will catch on to u sooner or later, In the end the government officer in pressure from senior officers and law will just take the course of the law,,he wont give up his job coz he had taken the bribe earlier .. ( are we expecting some morals????) . If you feel the law is not correct, fight the law, there are ways to do that in a democratic and elite society...
Note--those all putting in comments to the contrary to the post, ur comments are valued but please also leave some contact details....anonymous comments dont carry much meaning..
Update 2 on 10 january 2005.
Please lets focus on the demolitions in delhi and not on the great skyscrapers and facilities in Manhattan/New York. Why we cant make new delhi like New york,,that can be another interesting topic to discuss about,,but its a topic on which i am not very competent to write about,,,,,,anybody willing to write on this topic,,i willl publish it here ,,or link to the post,,,
Update 3 on 20 Jan 2005
Any indecent language (Abuses) in the comments wont be tolerated. Dont blame me for deleting such comments.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
IXth Delhi Blogger's Meet , 18th December, Humayun Tomb, New Delhi
Beauty is Joy,
Laughter is Medicine and
Novelty, Life”
Here I sit to write about "how did the IXth Delhi Blogger's Meet go". Now the idea is to write in a way like we had the times of our lives and those who missed it missed an experience of a life time... Read on....
I reached the venue at 11.15 am and was preceded by Rajesh (silence). Since a small significant detail about the meeting point was missed out by the coordinators we had no choice but to stand in such a visible point and posture that any and everybody could identify us as none else but the Bloggers. However I couldn’t think of any such point and posture and Rajesh wasn’t a part of this thought process so we just moved around here and there for some 40 min before Asheeth (Novelty) and Pallav (laughter) arrived. As we all begin our chahal pahal a gentleman carrying a Nikon D 70 tried to intervene into the chahel pahel with an innocent question “err..the
The meet actually kicked off with the arrival of Her Highness Twilight Fairy (beauty). With Sanjay being the guest of honor (well no matter what you've got to say Sanjay we'd call you the guest of honor) we were looking forward to an informal yet serious photography workshop. Though we can’t call it a proper workshop due to lack of participation but Sanjay did share a lot of trivia with us. The ABC s of Photography, the various types of film role, the lenses, if it’s a film wala camera, what should be the criteria to choose the speed of the film roll. What should be the settings on your digi cam when you are taking a moving picture and a lots more. We moved around the Monument taking pics and as we did so Sanjay kept giving us those little yet significant tips to get a better frame or lighting etc.
After the gyaan part, we all posed for Sanjay to have our photos which were taken by all sorts of latest technique (well the techniques are exclusively for those who attend the meet :D) and will have to wait and watch what happens thereafter on
Ajay (laughter) who is no more a married single (he is just married now) joined the meet at halfway through only on condition that we all raise slowgun (err slogan) for him “we want A j a y” and so it was raised and then he padharofied. A lot followed, never told true account of how Humayun’s wife killed one of his mistress and buried her at a such a place from where….and how humayun was not a metrosexual guy so there is no question of there being any hidden treasure, and further how the tomb is the latest addendum to the DDA list.
Keeping in tune with Art and Architecture the meet then moved to
The Grand Finale of the meet happened in a roadside chai and paan bidi ki dukaan. You know for some people (only some not all) some things are not complete until you have that cigarette and that special chai. We actually drove around
All these while one person continued to bring about a revolution with his silence and we never reached that point where he could break his silence. Except for once when Rajesh spoke few things about the latest model and cost of the Laptops.
So there we had the time of our life...well honestly, without everybody's support and company none of us can have the time of our life. Am sure not all of those who prefered to stay at home had the best sundays of their life...
We sure missed all of you who weren't there...particularly those who are the otherwise regulars, those who wanted to join but couldn't do so only cause you are out of know who you are...Nevermind, there is always a next time...we have a long way to go with many such eventful meets...hope to see you all in the Xth DBM Meet.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Delhi Metro

Delhi metro is one thing that came very late to Delhi, it should have been there about 20 years earlier. This realization came to me more when I visited the Manhattan. The Manhattan must have a higher density that any place in Delhi, with all the high rise apartments and offices, but there are very few vehicles. The people use the underground railway. It is fast and cheap and connects almost all of Manhattan from one end to another. Rest there are Taxi's and parking is very expensive. Delhi should have learned from New York long time back. The traffic mess we c in Delhi now could have been avoided.
The way metro has been executed with tight deadlines, minimalistic disruption in traffic is something very praiseworthy. In old Delhi they acquired properties and bug underground to create the marvelous system. I am just waiting for the day when they come to south Delhi and then I can go and visit my relatives in old Delhi.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
But people living in the "V.I.P" areas of Delhi probably haven’t seen to many of those problems.
areas like lutyens Delhi....where already smooth roads are paved over every year while the rest of Delhi wonder what killed their cars suspension and their back.
where "Distinguished" members of parliament reside in mammoth bungalows with massive gardens misused more than used. These "V.I.P's" disrupt traffic whenever they hit the roads, the police meant to protect us is instead used to protect these walking talking models of corrupt society. The sheer amount of facilities provided to them is mind boggling to say the least.We do not need to look far to find he problems that plague Delhi…they are right here eating our money robbing us of facilities and rubbing the humiliation in, the ill treatment of disabled children for the home minister is just one shocking example out of the many incident all of us have had to face every once in a while. WE need to improve delhi. WE know the problems. WE are the solution. WE must stand up to these politicians, Babu’s, and tell them how its done.